Well, from being so excited about the day in the past few years, now i don't feel the excitement anymore. it justs feels like any other day. seriously, is this a sign of aging..huhu..i don't wanna age. :P.. Btw, since its the new year, i'm obliged to list down my 10 resolutions again. I'm using this super cute website again, to generate my resolutions. as i'm out of ideas and i always over think the resolutions till its almost always unachievable.. teeheee~
Try it out : Click HERE !! Its by Monica Velarde. Pretty cool huh :D
My resolutions for 2010:
1. Carpool
2.Give More Compliments
3. Reconnect with an old friend
4.Look up at the sky
5.Learn to Commit
6.Friend a person with the same name as me on facebook
7.High Five With the person sitting next to you
9.Use my phone to call instead of texting
10.Send a thank you card
11 . Be ME!
I LOVE IT! achievable!*jumping with joy*
Have fun everyone! enjoy your last day for this year. as a whole new adventure awaits in 2011!weeeeeehoooooooo~~