after a pharmacology paper. feel lifeless.. i can just say. WHAT kinda paper was that? wipes sweat, pat back. *its ok tjin* haiyayayaya..
btw, u know those dancing2 games you have in arcades, the step2, hop2, ahhh ones? well, a friend just got 2 mats. and u fix it to a play station and off you go! i played for 2 hours or maybe more, non stop. and still craving for more. the best part is you will sweat, have fun and exercise. and and no need buy token..awesome!. addictive, worse than morphine. trust me.. :) *teeth smile*
new year is coming, need to make a new list of resolutions, i think i can copy paste my 2010 ones and also the past year ones, mannn im a failure. none of my resolutions achieved? i need to go easy on myself this year. aim lower. :D, the list *coming soon i hope*
haha... it isnt call jump2, it's DanceDanceRevolution! Use to play alot in home when small.. I was considering importing 1 set awhile ago.. but too old to jump around.. XD
haha... it isnt call jump2, it's DanceDanceRevolution! Use to play alot in home when small.. I was considering importing 1 set awhile ago.. but too old to jump around.. XD
wow tjin! i like your post, so funny.
i want one of those, so i can jump around at home like a monkey. hehe.. good as workout eh.. i've never played such a thing
whywai: so addictive i tell u!!! u can dream of it. u better take darryl to play it one day. he is missing out the wonders of life.haha!
darryl: a must try! next time we do gathering, go arcade play.weeee~
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