Saturday, January 9, 2010

some stuff & wedding bells...

Have you ever experienced a time where you felt like giving up? Its like you had enough already, or you failed miserable or you felt hurt in some way. well, i realized i get the feeling all the time and i seriously complain like a non stop yapping duck. Then, i think of people who lost their whole family to an accident or just got married and lost their spouse after 1 hour. how would they feel? My problems are so petty compared to theirs. pffft~ i know..
well, lets just say a new resolution for 2010 coming up!

On a more cheerful note, i have been in my room for 4 days continuously. yay! =.= i think i'm practically rotting, i know..i suppose to be studying but 4 days continuously can lead to hazardous consequences you know! i can assure you with my 1 year dental degree studies..HAHA!

AND one more thing! so000 important! my friend is getting married! bride, bridegroom, ring, family..*fainted* im so happy for you and maybe a little too excited.hehe. 22 years old! it didn't even cross my mind yet that im legal to get married like right NOW.hoho! when she told me, it sounded like this 'im so tired lah, trying all the wedding gowns'. so calm and 'selamba'. on the other end, your friend here. was jumping up and down literally, reading the sentence again and again, processing. bodohnyer~ :D i don't know why i get so excited. then i asked wedding gown?getting married! then started lah. the girls' 'fill me in with the details' session.

i can't be there for the wedding but congrats from your over excited friend! *bear hug and flying kisses*

oh! and specially for people who wears retainers like me~i present to you a retainer box. haha. ( i linked it to the site to make it yourself) cute and personalized. :)

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