Sunday, July 7, 2013

Swinging Friday - MOCCA

I can't remember when i started being fans of MOCCA, an Indonesian indie band, but hey i'm still a fan now, not a fanatic one, but their music just soothes the soul :) We went to Mocca's concert at Balai Sartika, Buah Batu, a month ago. *long overdue post* Song selection were awesome, can't seem to remember most of the song lyrics, so i started humming to myself. *loser* Currently im crazy about kpop, *duh* isnt't everyone? I can remember lyrics in korean better than english! that i can tell you is kpop syndrome. :D
if you wanna hear their music try 'i remember'. Their songs to me, have a cute and jazzy feel which is really good for relaxing and sing-a-longs.

the stage from our seat

she's still so sweet after so many years :)

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