Thursday, June 10, 2010

Health Promotion: Gigi sehat dan kuat!

im done with one week of evil exams..yes! evil! as it has not been treating me nice. huhu..AT ALL..*serious face* :( , i have one more week to go..hope that week will be much better ya..
orait, updates about penyuluhan ( dental education) we did for students in Sekolah Dasar Jalan Sayang. whole new experience for me.. teaching students in a language that is similar to BM but not the got me worried. i wouldn't want to be sending the wrong message to these young sweet kids. got what i mean? but fortunately everything went well and on schedule~ i would sooooo do it again. *excited*


the class made out of very clever and sweet students

brushing teeth together.*brush brush spit rinse*

preparation to check teeth

checking teeth.*debris index* opps mask dimana? haha.i still don't feel comfortable wearing mask when talking to a patient.feels funny..must get used to it soon.=)

the 5A class of SD Jalan Sayang

overall wonderful experience from preparing the flipchart with my groupmates till THE DAY..
p/s: will be back in July..exams be nice..


darryl said...

WOWOWWOW!! TJIN! you are now the dentist who check on kids' teeth!! i still remember being checked by dentist when i was in primary school.. how reminiscent when i saw the pics on your blog, and i'm so proud of you! remember to check my gigi yang sehat dan kuat when you become a full fledge dentist ya! :P

Dwen-Tjin said...

HEY darryl ngggggg! its been so long since i've talked to u..i hope everything is going well ya..thankssss..will graduate in 3.5 years time..ur teeth sure sihat dan kuat need for me to check also.:)