Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas 2011 :)

this blog is filled with dust. as the owner is so busy or is she? she's lazy.
It was christmas in another country. it has been like this for 2 years. no biggie. :) As usual, we had our own food festival. On christmas morning, we walked all around Bandung, more than 5 km, strolling at our own pace with extremely good weather. :) it was bliss. When we were back, all the cooking activities started. right after snoozing for a while or maybe longer. :P

Sweet potato balls * extremely easy to make*
Boil sweet potatoes till soft, smash them up add sugar and flour. roll them, and FRY! :)

kuih bakul in between 2 types of sweet potato, coated and FRY! yummeh!

Chi-kut teh
it was a small little christmas with chit chats and laughter. ROAR~

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